The Slavic and Baltic Division collects, in the original language, the works of Russian mystics, such as H.P. Books on oriental mysticism and yoga are collected by the Asian and Middle Eastern Division. The Science, Industry and Business Library collects materials on alchemy and flying saucers. There are particularly strong collections on divination and Theosophy. The General Research Division collects a wide range of topics including esoteric magic (as opposed to stage magic, which is collected by the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts), spiritualism and witchcraft. The New York Public Library has an extensive collection of materials on the occult. Emphasis is on the most current and comprehensive sources. Therefore, this guide will not attempt to provide titles dealing with unique subjects within the Occult Sciences or Parapsychology but will direct the reader to general sources and bibliographies. The range of interests covered by either category is incredibly wide. Another person might be interested in para-psychology, which is concerned with the scientific investigation of clairvoyance, reincarnation and other paranormal phenomena. One person asking this question might be interested in such topics as alchemy, ghosts, magic, palmistry, witchcraft, UFOs, Bigfoot or yoga. There are many requests for assistance in researching "the occult," as it is popularly called.